Template blogger ecommerce Masgus Market

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Template Name :Masgus Market
Basic Setup Instruction : How to install a Blogger Template
Platform : Blogger
Included In : .Rar File

How to design a post store  
Setting >> Post and comments >>  Post Template 
Replace url https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhiGiFhEXYC8r6ERl4VSyd6yVEkMWqRQitX9nQx3DGFRj2-O_9C8vsyVHJyTQiESu7ZUlTrW7_6nkxBFJt9chyeLw6Grn-Nt8BE1g1_vxHkbpQAfT8Swp6hrSL0JCZJoqeucf_LwWDy0fY/s1600/URnike.jpg and https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhiGiFhEXYC8r6ERl4VSyd6yVEkMWqRQitX9nQx3DGFRj2-O_9C8vsyVHJyTQiESu7ZUlTrW7_6nkxBFJt9chyeLw6Grn-Nt8BE1g1_vxHkbpQAfT8Swp6hrSL0JCZJoqeucf_LwWDy0fY/s1600/URnike.jpg with the url of your image.

How to install a slide on the front page
Layout >> Add Gadget >> HTML Javascript>>Copy and paste the code below

Change the image Url with the url of your image.

- Ellegant and Minimlis
- Ecommerce Design
- Ads Space ready
- Shopping Cart
- Slider
- Minimalist and full colour degin
- Dropdown Menu
Bantu KLIK iklan ini gan!!!!

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