Templates blogger online store Open Clothes free for you

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Templates blogger online store Open Clothes free for you
Templates blogger template is a shirt open online store created by Indonesians just call masgusti, mas gusti template was designed with simple even this template without either using a shopping cart, but this template facilitates you to can sell broadly flexible.

Here's some of the features that are available on the template Open Open shirt or Shirt.
  • still using currency IDR (indonesian rupiah)
  • available related post
  • Key price
  • widgets shipping
  • bank account-widget
  • dropdown menu
  • display the footer with four columns

template open shirt use a bit of a mix of CSS to make it look elegant and neat.

Here's what you need to prepare before you start using the template Open Shirt.

-Create a page for the purchase of products on your blog.
-Prepare your ad banner if available.

How to post products.

-Please make a new post > > then open it in the HTML after that copy and paste the code below.
<div class="product_image">
<a class="cloud-zoom" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEijLFf0Vdx8aW9k9FGh7-cLOr7YmkhPgZGMqC5ohn-p-l6qRqe1lOVHV9r4vE75qOBCir139gjVpIfYxCKNGmSfU29qwi5CFFrHh96BxGI4F9fL1O9AAlTVFpwdUjvD4-SVH7fohHGsLDc/s1600/nike.jpg" rel="softFocus: true, position:'inside', smoothMove:2"><img border="0" class="item_thumb" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEijLFf0Vdx8aW9k9FGh7-cLOr7YmkhPgZGMqC5ohn-p-l6qRqe1lOVHV9r4vE75qOBCir139gjVpIfYxCKNGmSfU29qwi5CFFrHh96BxGI4F9fL1O9AAlTVFpwdUjvD4-SVH7fohHGsLDc/s1600/nike.jpg" /></a>
<span class="item_price">$ 50</span></div>
<div class="product_describe">
Please change the writing that I give the corresponding color with your product, then publish and view the results.

1Seo OptimizedAvailable Check
2100% Responsiveavailable Check
3Google Testing Validator available Check
4Page Speed available Check
5Valid HTML 5available Check

1Template NameOpen Shirt
2File Included inRAR
3InstructionHow to install template

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