The most important thing is to build a blog or website is terindexnya search engine, although of course the blog or website you have thousands or hundreds of tetntu content there will be no meaning if not terindex by visitors, as most traffic comes from a blog search engine.
for that knowledge about seo is necessary considering the google now makin a ferocious because his latest complex algorithms. There are a few techniques that you have to do to speed up your blog terindex by search engines.
1. Please sumbit your blogs to the search engines through the webmaster.
Sitemap is a map that will describe what is on your blog, the sitemap I mean not in the form of Xml because of xml is a language that can only be read by the search engines. so if you are using wordpress you can install plugin for sitemap and sitemap for blogspot users already integrated, you can see an example below as follows:
In order for your blog terindex oeh faster search engine you I recommend building links that lead to your postings, it certainly becomes a plus on a search engine, a link which I am masud was dofollow link, look for the blog dofollow blog and try to comment and mecantumkan links that lead to your post, or you can also make a posting on a forum by inserting your posting links to them.
3. ping to call spider bing or google.
Ping was originally was a way to increase the rank of your blog on search engines like google or bing. and currently has grown to update the blog.
There are various sites that provide the means to ping your blog or website. These are some of the sites that are already popular which provides a means of:
might be enough to just here for a discussion about how to order for your blog in the index by search engine, if there is a lack I apologise, I say thank you have visited to templates-blogger and look forward to more tutorials from other bloggers.