How to Make a Blog Easily

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How to Make a Blog Easily
Currently the use of blogs becomes popular in society. Nearly everyone has a blog either for work or personal interests. So what about the people who do not have a blog? For those of you who want to create a blog but you still wonder how, here are some tutorial blog:
1.    You should have email in Gmail. If you do not have email, please open and create your account.
2.    Visit
3.    If you have an email in Gmail, you just sign in by filling your username and password
4.    Press the button “Continue to Blogger”
5.    Then click “New Blog” or Blog Baru
You can edit your account, including your profile and photos
6.    You can fill the “Title”  with blog theme, “Address” with blog name for example then select simply template for your blog
7.    The last, click “Create Blog” or make a Blog
Sometimes we are lazy to create a new account that is too complicated. Now, you can create your new blog by following the simplest tutorial blog above. Those tutorial blog are very easy for you to test. Hopefully the information above can be helpful and useful for you. Good luck.
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