Here's how to install the buttons share whatsapp under posts

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Here's how to install the buttons share whatsapp under posts
In addition to facebook and twitter share buttons it turns out we can put up a share button also to media sosia like a whatsapp. whatsapp is also a very popular chat applications currently, by mounting the share button is a good idea to get the source of the traffic. in this tutorial we will be installing the share button at the bottom of the posting followed an existing share buttons automatically on any of your postings. but you need to know that this share button will appear when viewed via mobile devices only.  How to set it up is quite easy.

1. open your template and then edit in Html
2. Please search through the share button code on your template
3. copy and paste the code below

<!-- Whatsapp Share Buttons Start -->
<script type='text/javascript'>if(typeof wabtn4fg===&quot;undefined&quot;){wabtn4fg=1;h=document.head||document.getElementsByTagName(&quot;head&quot;)[0],s=document.createElement(&quot;script&quot;);s.type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;;s.src=&quot;;;h.appendChild(s);}</script>
<a class='wa_btn wa_btn_s' expr:data-href='data:post.url' expr:data-text='data:post.title' href='whatsapp://send' style='display:none'>Share</a>
<!-- Whatsapp Share Buttons End -->

4. save your template and look change.
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