It is indeed a great many of the bloggers are still puzzled how to make pictures like the images below.
for information about how to create an image that moves like this video we need an application that can we call LICECAP,
There are various applications that can do that, but I think most of these applications are lightweight and can produce HD quality pictures.
If you are a loyal visitor blogger template no doubt you often see or find my article with pictures of the moving image like a video.
The purpose of this use is to more clearly one tutorial to the reader that they not confusion so the article easier to understand.
What up here there's still that have yet to understand?
Here's a demo of moving images as the video I mean last.
If you are interested in making it, let's follow the trick below.
Tutorial to create a moving image video.
1. first we must download the first file download LICECAP here for versions of windows.
2. then install the application to finish and then run the application.
3. If you are going to use it, you just need to press the record and then select where you will save it.
4. and now we're ready to record.
might be enough until this tutorial here and hopefully what I described above is beneficial to you and to all the viewers who are the real world nor the world unseen.
I asked permission first, efan auuuuuuuu ....