Protecting Copyright, How to Prevent Copy Paste the Content on Blog

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Protecting Copyright, How to Prevent Copy Paste the Content on Blog
Provide an opportunity to protect the copyright of the paper is very important. A blog writer must have felt that our articles are very important and not willing to be copied. Most of the new blog writers often try to copy and paste their articles from other website or blog. In this case, the copy paste of the exact same content and premises post from other blogs without much change is called plagiarism. In reality, it may not be completely avoided. Many tips and trick blog to prevent copied it, but some of the ways people can copy on blog contents such as: select – copy – paste, select – drag – drop, copy from RSS feed, and copy from source code.
As a blogger, you must protect your articles from been copied. You can try using Google AdSense plagiarism if you really want to found a lot of articles same. Safeguard your contents blog from people plagiarism and below the simple tips and trick blog to a prevent copy paste the content on blog:
1.    Log in first to
2.    Log into your blog Dashboard
3.    Go to template then click on Edit HTML
4.    Search for “<body>” tag with tap CTRL+F or F3, add the code bellow :
<body oncontextmenu=’return false’ onmousedown=’return false’ onselectsart=’return false’ onkeypress=’return false’>
5.    Save your template and done.
It is important to protect your blog from copy. Above the simple tips and trick blog to a prevent copy paste.
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