Here's how to make a recent comment that cool for your blog

Bantu KLIK iklan ini gan!!!!
Recentcomment is a widged widged function to show the last comments that go on your blog, this widged is indeed very useful for your blog because of the existence of this widged your blog visitors can know the last incoming comments so that this becomes an alternative for visitors to reply to comments on your blog.
How to install this widged including quite easy because you can just copy and paste the code just below.

Here is how to install widged recent comments to your blog.

1. all you do is copy and paste the code below then may be located right above the code.

<script type='text/javascript'>
//Recent Comments Settings
var numComments  = 5;
var characters  = 60;
<script type='text/javascript'>
//Recent Comments
var numComments=numComments||5,characters=characters||40;function recent_comments(tb){var commentsHtml;commentsHtml='<ul id="recent_comments">';for(var i=0;i<numComments;i++){var commentlink,authorName;if(i==tb.feed.entry.length)break;commentsHtml+="<li>";var entry=tb.feed.entry[i];for(var l=0;l<;l++){if([l].rel=='alternate'){[l].href}}for(var a=0;a<;a++){[a].name.$t}commentsHtml+="<strong><a href=\""+commentlink+"\" title=\""+authorName+"\">"+authorName+"</a></strong>";var commHTML=entry.content.$t;var commBody=commHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");if(commBody!=""&&commBody.length>characters){commBody=commBody.substring(0,characters);commBody+=" &hellip;"}else{commBody=commBody}commentsHtml+=" - ";commentsHtml+="<span>"+commBody+"</span>";commentsHtml+="</li>"}commentsHtml+='</ul>';document.write(commentsHtml)}

2. then save the changes to your template.
3. then go to your blog's layout section and select Add gadget and select HTML/Javascript. and give the title of the "Recent Comments" and copy and paste the code below into it.

document.write("<script src=\"/feeds/comments/default?alt=json&callback=recent_comments\"><\/script>");

4. click save and see changes.

Bantu KLIK iklan ini gan!!!!

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