Basic introduction of valid html5

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Basic introduction of valid html5
HTML5 is a markup language to structure and display the content of Waring Wera Wanus (World Wide Web consortium, W3C), which is a core technology of internet and the fifth version of HTML. The main objective of development HTML5 is to improve the HTML which supports of latest multimedia technology that is readable by human and also understood by machines.
At Valid HTML5 introduced several new elements and attributes in accordance with the type of modern websites. The elements that are used to support some modern features such as tag <div> and linen <span>, and new element to support uses such as <audio> and <video>, the support of offline storage, elements which more specific content (article, footer, nav, header, section), and already with form control (calendar, date, time, email, search, url).
The goal made of Valid HTML5 is, first, new features in HTML5 according to HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript, and reduce for external plugins like Flash. Second, the language used is a markup to replace the scripting and handling of better error. Third, HTML5 is a standalone tool and process development visible to public. However, the purpose to development of HTML5 is standard of HTML4 still weakness to support application from interactive website; finally more people are adding features such as Flash and Sliverlight plugins. Conclusion that Valid HTML5 is made to simplify the use of scripts with the new standard script, example:
<video src=latihan.mp4>
At valid HTML5 the several support common browsers such as Chrome, safari, Firefox, and Opera. To test your browser in order to support HTML5, you can try it out by visiting
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