but we have to do some research to answer it.
I myself deliberately not do update the article for a period of about a month, but what I got on this blog
indeed pretty weird if this blog was further developments showed a high graphics every day but I didn't update the article.
This graph is based on aalexa and google analytics.
the number of frequency udapte article is an important foundation for your website/blog.
in fact I find many keywords that rose sharply, this means that the search engine result page on my blog are still stable, although without the use of optimization at all.
whether this marks the search engines don't care anymore with so many updates of the article?
This may be too fast it felt when we took this conclusion, it is a new feature in search engines already realtime search, but the ratings still compiled at the time of your last update article.
for this we try to take a conclusion to another, update the article turns out to still be used as a factor in the search engine, but the blog must have its own benefits morning explorers, so search engines will still retain your blog even though your website never post an article at all.
so to maintain your blog/your website on the search engines, create article serapi may create an easy-to-read aartikel, do not use fonts that are too small and pastikel the article was useful to them.
Therefore it is most likely your blog can still survive on search engine Wednesday result page SERP or better known.
What are the actions that must be performed to maintain the position of your website/blog on the serp.
to keep having this positive visits is not easy as it is to imagine, we should make articles that are not easily stale or outdated
for example we make the article about learning SEO, the article fixed will continue to be sought even if the trend is changing though.
and not only is it just a way to defend it, you can also create as many backlinks in forums forum signature, as I've discussed in previous articles.
This is a powerful way that it still used the blogger until now
If you agree with the results of this research, you can comment below to give your commitment, with that maybe we can take the right decision.