URrobot.txt is a setting to prevent search engine robots from indexing or mengcrawler on a specific part that we want and URrobot.txt
and also set up on the other robots to index the whole or any part on your blog.
by enabling this setting you will be endapatkan the following benefits
URrobot.txt kan direct links that point to our blogs but on that link is made does not exist as is the case at p. 404.
but I myself do not enable this feature, but in other respects this feature can be very bermanffat for your blog.
This is how the settings or enable URrobot.txt so bllog you more seo friendly
1. sign in to your account your blog
2. If you are already on your dashboaard please click on search settings section of the preferences, then enable URrobot.txt on your blog.
3. then you can just coppy and paste the code below into the box that was available.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /search
Disallow: /?m=1
Disallow: /?m=0
Disallow: /*?m=1
Disallow: /*?m=0
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Sitemap: http://www.template-blogger.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=UPDATED
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /search
Disallow: /?m=1
Disallow: /?m=0
Disallow: /*?m=1
Disallow: /*?m=0
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Sitemap: http://www.template-blogger.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=UPDATED
4. and after that edit template-blogger.com with your domain.
How to set up the next section header tags URrobot.txt for better seo on your blog
1. stay on the blog settings section > > blog search preferences 2. activate header tag special robot
2. and then give a checklist like the example in the picture below.
then please save these settings.
that's the dance how to set URrobot.txt on your blog.
so you better understand you can try it on your blog and look at the likely result. I say good luck ...